Five First Barrel Fixes for a Turn That’s Correct, Consistent & FAST

The first barrel is considered the “money barrel” because it sets our entire run up for success.

But when we have first barrel issues and the typical “tricks” have failed us, we end up frustrated, embarrassed, and afraid to waste even more time (not to mention entry fees).

This leads to over-thinking, causing us to ride timid – in anticipation of what we know (based on our past experiences) is likely to go wrong.

And when we’re trying NOT to lose, we rule out ANY CHANCE of winning!

It’s no way to run.

The good news, is that in the next few minutes you CAN discover the keys to a perfect first barrel, for a turn that’s not only consistent, but performed with much greater athleticism – and quite possibly FASTER than you’ve ever felt before! 🛢

I’m Heather Smith, WPRA barrel racer, author of a best-selling barrel racing book series , and the creator of and Heather Smith’s Barrel Racing Tips.

In my latest book, I dedicated FIVE exercises to the first barrel,
and today I’d Like to Share Them With YOU, for FREE!

In the “First Barrel Finesse” chapter, you’ll get the secrets to turning the “money barrel” reliably and with confidence – even IF you’ve been struggling with it for years. These free barrel racing exercises will show you:

  • How to discover hidden first barrel problems that once resolved, will dramatically increase your horse’s natural willingness and DESIRE to turn the first barrel
  • Five Free First Barrel Racing Exercises

  • Fast & simple positioning adjustments, that alone have the power to fix your first barrel turn quickly, easily and completely
  • Ways to dissolve anticipation and replace your horse’s old “muscle memory” with correct habits – for more consistency and quickness
  • Steps for connecting to your horse’s mind (and body) in a way that’s stronger and more meaningful than any bit or headgear
  • How to teach the intense rate necessary at the first barrel, without excessive stopping or making your horse stiff, resentful, or “hot” – so they’re truly prepared to nail the first barrel every time

If you’ve suffered the repeated frustration of going by the first barrel, coming out wide, ducking, going up the fence – or even if you have a pretty good turn, but could use some first barrel help to make it GREAT, then these free barrel racing drills are right up your alley.

To fix your first barrel and leave your first barrel problem in the dust, just enter your name and email address in the form below, then click the “Send my First Barrel Exercises!” button.

You’ll instantly receive FIVE first barrel drills that are tried, tested and proven to be MAJOR game changers in competition.

On the next page, you’ll also get my best free barrel racing tips for implementing these barrel racing exercises to make sure the momentum you gain carries ALL THE WAY back through the timer line – for an all-around AMAZING run!

Remember – it’s not called “the money barrel” for nothin’! 💰

You invest A LOT in your barrel racing, it’s time to start getting a bigger RETURN for all you put in.
Cleaning up the first barrel can make that happen.

Just enter your first name and email address below, then click the “Send my First Barrel Exercises!” button to receive your Five FREE First Barrel Drills.

(If you don’t see the confirmation email, be sure to check your junk folder – then click to confirm and your exercises will be on the way!)

*Your information is safe with me. You can be sure I’ll never sell, share, rent, or give away your information to anyone for any reason.